Thursday, July 24, 2008

Over Veiw Of Comments.

I have really enjoyed this assignment as I feel it gave me a chance to personally get to know me as a designer and my interests.
Its a great way to get to know other class mates and their inspirations to design.

Julia-Rose Bisdee commented me ...
“really love your layout design.. i need to get onto that ha! - and all your posts! The game you made looks very interesting - transferring from Massey last semester we didn't get to do anything like that at all - did you guys actually make the games so they can be played? A all round creative design and concept idea for the game! - successful overlay because overlays with images don't always work that well but you pulled it off so keep the good work up.”
After receiving comments from class mates i found out that the most popular thing i had added on my blog was my 104 work.

Some comments I received were...
"Your game sounds amazing! Would love to play it sometym!"
"Your real life blog, I think communicatesyour idea effectively, while providingthe concise explanation is refreshing.Mint idea with overlapping the photos."
"The cool hunter is definitely one of my fav sites, it has some wicked stuff on it,..”
"man this looks awesome!im doing 104 at the moment.. such a mission”
Some of my commments i gave were...
"Im loving your own unique style ur adding to your page.I checked out the websites you commented about. some great sites you the images you are uploading."
"nice fluid form, lighting and shodows working well."
"Great blog!!you have selected some great sites :)Design spunge looks like a great site."
"nice blog its very unique lovn ya style."

These comments were from people such as...

VLog Coffee Process

I have created a movie on the process of

coffee. I wanted to do this as its a socail

network for friends, family, buissness,

clients, and meetings.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Network Image

This network i have photographed is all about a
network of discussing things over cafes, having coffee.
Please feel free to comment.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday 10th July

I’m studying design at Victoria University Wellington, 104 is a computer based paper working mainly with Unreal and 3D Max. Experiment 3 was a navigation experiment creating multiple levels with movers and triggers. I created a maze design interior space; within the maze i designed multiple levels with the purpose to invoke the player to feel a certain way. I wanted the player to enter different levels of risk and uncertainty to create this I researched The Museum Cafe. Level 1 is basement style, walls are tall, lighting very dark. I created a very rough and frightening stairwell up to second level making the player uncomfortable. Level 2 was created to give the player a feeling of a calm interior and exterior space. The walls are at eye level height portraying a feeling of safe and a non threatening atmosphere with very natural indoor lighting. To carry you from 2nd up to 3rd i created a mover in 3D max. Level 3 is very different as you do not have a floor surface to walk on, the player has to step and jump across blocks leading you to a mover.